High-risk neuroblastoma

Neuroblastoma is a childhood cancer, which arises from degenerated cells of the sympathetic nervous system. It is characteristic for this disease that the tumor cells remain in an immature state.

The most common neuroblastoma occurs in the abdomen, especially on the adrenal medulla.

The symptoms vary according to the location of the tumor or the metastases and only appear when the tumor is already very large. Therefore, it is often discovered only during routine examinations.

Tumors in the abdomen often lead to vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea or urinary tract problems.

Tumors in the chest area result in coughing or dyspnoea in the patient.

Tumors in the neck lead to the Horner's triad, and in an advanced course disease to a glandular hematoma.

Regardless of the severity of the disease, fever, high blood pressure or sweating can occur.