Hypereosinophilic syndrome

Hypereosinophilic syndrome (HES) refers to a group of diseases (multisystem disorders) characterized by marked peripheral blood eosinophilia greater than 1.5 / nl for more than 6 months (or bone marrow eosinophilia without detectable cause), and significant organ dysfunction. 

The following forms are distinguished:

Idiopathic HES

Myeloproliferative HES

Lymphocytic HES

Family HES

HES overlap syndrome (eosinophilic esophagitis, eosinophils

Pneumonia, hypereosinophilic dermatitis)

Hypereosinophilia syndrome HES refers to a group of diseases (multisystem disorders) characterized by a pronounced peripheral blood eosinophilia of more than 1.5 * 109 / L (or bone marrow eosinophilia without demonstrable cause) for more than 6 months a significant organ dysfunction is characterized in eosinophilic tissue filings.

The following forms are distinguished:
Idiopathic HES
Myeloproliferative HES
Lymphocytic HES
Family HES
HES overlap syndrome (eosinophilic & es; sophagitis, eosinophils.
Pneumonia, hypereosinophilic dermatitis).