Myelodysplastic syndrome

Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS) is a collective term for diseases of the bone marrow in which a hematopoietic disorder is present. The disorder usually affects several cell rows.

This is called biztopenia in two affected cell lines and pancytopenia, when all three cell lines are affected. This results in production of blood cells that are not fully functional.

In the advanced stage of the disease there is an increased risk that an acute melodic leukemia develops. From the age of 60, the risk of developing MDS increases. In most cases, this is a primary MDS.

A secondary MDS usually goes back to a previous radiotherapy. Symptoms appear rather slowly. They go back to the lack of functional blood cells.

Anemia, paleness, fatigue, shortness of breath, tinnitus are some of the symptoms. Due to a reduced number of white blood cells, there is an increased susceptibility to infection. In a reduction of platelets, symptoms such as petechiae, nosebleeds or severe mestruation problems with female patients.