Germany: Position paper on the WHO 2030 HPV target released

Published together with the Hepatitis B & C Public Policy Association, the German Liver Foundation the paper calls in particular for the support of vulnerable populations.

Key Takeaways:

Unclear epidemiological data

Hepatitis is a widespread disease worldwide with over 200 million people infected. It is currently not known how many people in Germany actually suffer from viral hepatitis. The RKI (Germany's Robert Koch Institute) assumes that several hundred thousand are affected, but exact data is lacking. This is especially true for high-risk groups, such as people with intravenous drug use, prisoners or homeless people.

Viral hepatitis is well treatable

For many affected persons, the fear of stigmatisation or the lack of information about treatment options can also be a hurdle. However, with modern therapeutics and vaccinations, highly effective interventions are available that can make the disease well manageable or cure HCV infection.

Picking up affected people where they stand

It is now important to bring the available therapies to where they are needed most, says the position paper. But before treatment can begin, a diagnosis must first be made. In addition to integrating hepatitis screening as part of the health check-up, testing should also be offered in facilities such as drug and homeless assistance. At the same time, information about available treatment options can be provided here.

Fear of recourse

Another barrier is that physicians from "liver-remote" specialities who traditionally have many high-risk patients in their treatment, such as psychiatrists and addiction physicians, are very hesitant to prescribe antiviral therapy - for fear of recourse claims. The experts are certain that protecting these physicians could make a big difference here and lead many affected patients to a therapy quickly and effectively.


To eliminate viral hepatitis by 2030, a targeted approach is important. People with the disease must be diagnosed and treated. This is best done with various screening offers and the creation of legal certainty for treating physicians. This way, patients can be effectively treated quickly and easily, which can prevent further complications.

Sources (in German only):