Stay connected with EMEUNET

The Emerging EUlar NETwork (EMEUNET) is a network of young clinicians and researchers in Europe with the aim to improve education in rheumatology.

Digital plattform and social network in rheumatology

The Emerging EUlar NETwork (EMEUNET) is a network of young clinicians and researchers in Europe with the aim to improve education in rheumatology.

“Our main limitation is that you have to be below the age of 40 to take part into the program”, explains Anna Moltó, rheumatologist at Hôpital Cochin, University Clinic in Paris (France). The aim of the organisation is to enhance the quality of education among emerging rheumatologists and researchers. Every rheumatologist below the age of 40 can register via the website ( “I would highly recommend everyone to fill out his CV; some senior rheumatologists look regularly on our website and in this way you can easily show, what your preferences are”, recommended Moltó.

Currently there are 1.197 registered members, however the numbers are still increasing.
The EMEUNET works in different fields to improve education in rheumatology.

“We also organize the peer review mentoring program together with the Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, to train young rheumatologists how to read an article critically”, explained Moltó. Another important task is the organizing of mentor/mentee meetings between EMEUNET members and leaders in the field at the EULAR and ACR annual congress. “Young people who are interested in research can ask questions and discuss points of interest with mentors”; explains Moltó. After conventions, they publish highlight reports and reports on particularly interesting publications.

Once in a while newsletter are being prepared were subgroup activities and leaders are introduced.

Focus on social media

In this year, the first EULAR immunology course could be offered. Last but not least, social events are organized such as a bike tour in Rome or a walking tour in San Francisco. “In the previous four years we focused on social media, because this is exactly what young people use”, said Moltó.

There is funding by the EULAR, but in a very basic way, e.g. for the website. EMEUNET very much depends on the dedicated voluntary work of its members, which is a vital pillar of the network. “If you are a young rheumatologist or researcher, I can really recommend you to participate in EMEUNET: it is an easy way for you to become part of an international network”, concludes Moltó.

1. Moltó A. Experiences from young rheumatologists into EMEUNET. Abstract SP053, presented on the 10th of June.
2. 2016 Annual EULAR Meeting.